“I will not talk to her as she ignored me in college two days ago. I won’t help her out anymore with assignments. She should apologize first and then I will talk to her….” I believe at some point or the other we all must have gone through such thoughts in our minds only the characters and scenario may be different. So why do we build upon such types of egos in ourselves?
Why don’t we become empathetic rather than egoistic? Why not always look at the positive side rather than being so negative? Why not understand the situation of the other person rather than charging him with faults?
The behavior observed by each individual is due to some reason. Let’s all learn to “Let Go” of things rather than build up on them till they become mountains J Being highly egoistic can cause one to become segregated from everyone. We all should learn to accept the differences of others. No human being can be an exact replica of any other person. Let’s all understand that we are in this world for a short duration, wasting time on having hard feelings with others is useless. We can all be more productive rather than act in such a useless way which is of benefit to no one.
Maybe your positive gesture and talks towards the one giving you hard time may prove to be a good lesson for them. Talk positive and be positive always J