Primary School days…
I want to play and play. I don’t like to study much. Oh why do I have to go to school everyday? Why not just study less and play more with friends.
High School days…
11yrs-15yrs – I don’t know what I want to become when I grow up. A doctor, engineer, business person, chartered accountant; oh there are so many other options available. Which one is the easiest one? In which field am I interested, which field will earn me more money and make me rich in the future.
Learning all by heart is such a difficult thing. Why do we have exams? Have to plan a vacation after exams with parents.
University days…
Ok I have settled to become a doctor. It is quite an honorable field and one deserves a lot of respect in this field. Plus I will be earning good money along with respect and this will allow me to live a high standard of living.
University is fun, hanging out with friends, partying, studying when required, bunking classes, passing comments, bullying weaker ones… so on and so forth the university phase passes
Striving to get a high paid job and then get married. We then strive towards maintaining a high standard of living, doing everything to earn more…ensuring that our kids get the best of everything no matter how, prioritizing all the worldly matters to the highest level… trying to earn security after getting retirements and then finally die.
What if I die this very moment? All of us should ask this question and make plans for this eternal phase too.
Do we plan the life after death the way we plan the life now knowing that life is just for time being and after death is the beginning of the eternal life for all humans?