Friday, February 14, 2014

The Lost Sheep of La Ilaha Illallah

Intrigued by one of the lectures delivered by Brother Nouman Ali Khan, in which he states we should not criticize people or point out at anyone as they are the lost sheep of La Ilaha Illallah who may come to guidance at any point in their lives if Allah wills.
This statement left me in awe, and inspired me to write this blog. Many times we tend to undermine people if they are doing certain acts that are opposing the religion. This is wrong, extremely wrong, who are we to judge anyone's Iman?
In our lives, we come across many different types of people; we should not judge anyone at all. The authority of Judgement lies only with Allah SWT. Instead, if we feel that the person needs to be told some things then we should tell in a polite and sincere manner. It is usually observed that often we just criticize the person for his/her wrong actions. There is a way to deliver advice, the mode should be polite and the message should get across clearly. We cannot force decisions on anyone and in many cases imposing decisions leads to negative results.
There are some who follow religious teachings a lot and some who tend to ignore it. If we are the ones who are following the religious teachings, say a lot of Alhamdulillah as Allah SWT has blessed you with this Naimah of guidance of which some others are not having. Also, we should never be having the attributes of pride and arrogance in any way or in any matter. If we are at top most positions, if we have more knowledge than others then this is a blessing of Allah SWT like many others. Never ever try to develop the ‘I’ feeling in yourself as this ego will destroy everything in you. There is no single element or attribute that individuals can regard it as their own possession. Everything and I mean everything is given to the humans by Allah SWT, whether its confidence, wealth, power, status, children, loyalty, and others as such.
Now it is the responsibility on our shoulders to advise our other brothers and sisters in Islam to follow the right course, we need to be a helping hand for the lost sheep of La Ilaha Illallah. We should not be critics and make lives miserable for others by pointing them out. If Allah has blessed you with things what makes you think He wont do it for others? Friendly and sincere advice, along with prayers can do wonders for any human being. May Allah SWT bless the entire Ummah with happiness, sincerity and strong Iman in all our affairs. Ameen. Sum Ameen.