Monday, December 19, 2011


“I will not talk to her as she ignored me in college two days ago. I won’t help her out anymore with assignments. She should apologize first and then I will talk to her….” I believe at some point or the other we all must have gone through such thoughts in our minds only the characters and scenario may be different. So why do we build upon such types of egos in ourselves?
Why don’t we become empathetic rather than egoistic? Why not always look at the positive side rather than being so negative? Why not understand the situation of the other person rather than charging him with faults?
The behavior observed by each individual is due to some reason. Let’s all learn to “Let Go” of things rather than build up on them till they become mountains J Being highly egoistic can cause one to become segregated from everyone. We all should learn to accept the differences of others. No human being can be an exact replica of any other person.  Let’s all understand that we are in this world for a short duration, wasting time on having hard feelings with others is useless. We can all be more productive rather than act in such a useless way which is of benefit to no one.  
Maybe your positive gesture and talks towards the one giving you hard time may prove to be a good lesson for them.  Talk positive and be positive always J

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Reliable, Credible, Trustworthy... Good Attributes, Aren’t they? Everyone would love to be characterized under such attributes. What is the key for attaining these attributes? The answer is Honor Your Commitments till the dot. Any type of negligence in this regard may not allow one to achieve the above mentioned attributes.
We all should ponder upon the fact that how important it is to abide by commitments. When you commit something, ensure that you take the matter till end. It doesn’t cost anything for one to abide by their commitments all the time. It shows the credibility and reliability of the person.
We all make commitments in our life both at the personal level and at the professional level. Some of the observations are as below regarding commitments.
·         When someone calls you and you are busy at the moment, you say you will call him or her back in sometime. You should do it, make a note of it and return all your calls whether important or unimportant.
·         When you meet some old friends or anyone and you tell them, you will pay them a visit soon then do it.
·         Someone gives you their resume for passing it ahead then do it. Do not take it lightly; pass the resume ahead with full responsibility.
·         You say you have something in spare and can give it without any problem then do it. Don’t just forget about it once the conversation is over.
The list can go on and on as there are numerous examples related to the aspect of commitments.
Ensure that you honour all your deadlines at work and home. Nothing should be taken for granted. Take up manageable work load. Do not overburden and acknowledge tasks if you know you cannot complete it timely.
Realize the importance of fulfilling commitments. All around it can be observed that people just tend to say about things and matters but do not fulfil what they promise or state. This matter can be categorized as heights of irresponsibility.  
At times unexpected circumstances tend to arise that act as an obstacle for fulfilment of the commitments. In these cases, one should inform the concerned party about the issue so that they are prepared for the delay. Becoming unresponsive is not the solution in these cases, calls and calls are made and people tend to ignore, shut off their cell phones, ask other people to say they are not available.
Situations are turning into disasters and people are not worried about it at all. I am quite surprise to observe that some professionals have these types of attitudes at times. People, if you want to quit from some task then have the courtesy to inform the concerned party rather than just going your way. From these behaviours, the level of professionalism can be judged.
If you fear that you will have to face heavy consequences by informing the concerned party about the delay or non-fulfilment of the commitment then develop the courage to face the consequences. Be bold enough to bear the consequence rather than running away from it. You may have to face this just one time and you may learn a lot from these circumstances.
Give the clear picture of the situation to others no matter how grave the case has become rather than keeping them in doubts and hopes that things will work out. Learn to state facts and live with the facts of life.
Trust me, once you start fulfilling all what you commit, you will attain the attributes of a reliable and trustworthy person. I hope we all understand the value of commitments in both our personal and professional lives.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Novel: Jab Zindagi Shru Hogi-- By Abu Yahya

Jab Zindagi Shru Hogi By Abu Yahya
This is a must read novel for everyone.  It is an eye opening novel that will change the mindsets of majority of the people and give them a new direction to live.
This novel consists of scenarios of the Day of Judgment and all human beings will be in one of the states mentioned in the novel, either good or bad.This life is a blessing and everyone needs to make investments for the life hereafter so that they can succeed.
All those that are facing hardships in this life shall realize that the hardships faced in this world are nothing as compared to hereafter. Be calm and take life in the way required as whatever is being faced by human beings is their test. Patience and Perseverance will allow everyone to pass the test successfully In Shaa’ Allah. This life is a chance to gain a luxurious life in the hereafter.
May Allah bless the author  Abu Yahya, for writing such an excellent novel that may improve the lives of many of the people today and allow them to think and act seriously for the aspects that will be faced by all human beings in the hereafter.
This book claims that it will change the lives of many people, and it is true, as I have read it and it definitely does change the mindset of life. The whole novel has been constructed carefully and flows in a continuous mode till the end. The author has developed a mind blowing ending of the novel.
I request and urge everyone to definitely read this novel. All of you will learn about the broader perspective of life and how it should be dealt. If anyone interested in getting the soft copy of the novel, please email me at

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

My State of Mind

Depression every time, why? Why do I feel that some things are against my favor? Why do I feel I can’t survive in this world of materialism and consumerism? Everything seems to be cashed and coined here, there, and everywhere around. Outward beauty is what is being looked for, be it in things or humans. Moral values are lost. Societal values are crashing.
Poor is becoming poorer, rich is becoming richer, and middle class is vanishing. Crimes are increasing to a high degree. Women respect is lost, the distance to be maintained between males and females are being narrowed down to a large extent and this is becoming “normal” for everyone. Shaking hands with the opposite sex is a status symbol. Those who don’t are backward? What is wrong with everyone? Or is something wrong with me? Teenagers are losing their sense of mind in this ridiculous level of fashion spreading around the country.
Why do I feel this world should end? The pressure in life is building up; why do I feel my mind can’t take up so much of pressure. Why have ethical values been lost? How come pinpointing at people are becoming a normal practice? Why is expensive things kept at home a necessity? Why can’t we feel how a poor person survives on daily wages? Human lives have no value and money has no value.
 Every nook and corner of the world is striving towards getting power, status, fame, richness. The powerful are crushing the weaker. Why is it that we are just talking about issues and no implementation? Giving views and opinions on everything is becoming a very educated and learned practice but there is no implementation anywhere.
Expense is killing our nation and still we can’t cut down the extra functions in the wedding ceremonies or on the number of dishes being served to the guests. Why are proposals for wedding becoming an issue in every house? Why is the demand of dowry becoming unlimited? Why do the guys feel it their right to demand anything from the girl?
Why are the husbands forcing their wives to work? Why is the need of the wife’s job a necessity? Why this is commonly heard everywhere that both parents have to work for a successful living? What is a successful and standardized way of living?
Why are our religious values lost? Why don’t girls understand that covering is the heights of modesty? Why are girls being given jobs on looks? Why do we only work for money? Why have we diverted away from religion? Have we forgotten that there is an eternal end to which we must all strive to attain?
If I can’t tolerate so much then is being in solitude the solution. No, that’s not the case either. Being in total solitude is again not applicable. We have to face the world and its challenges. We have to face every bitter truth of this world till our last breath.
Why do I wait for the angel of death? Why do I feel that he is about to come for me any moment? Why do I feel that leaving this world will lessen the burdens on my loved ones? Have I gained enough good deeds that will lead me to paradise? That can’t be judged at all. Only Allah s.w.t knows better. The life is difficult and after death one doesn’t know their state, then what should a person do.
No, the only belief that should be in mind is obedience to Allah. HE has given this life and we all have our roles to play. Allah the Almighty brought us to it; HE will get us out of it. That’s the hope, the belief and that’s the prayer always. May we always be on the right path and die on the right path. In shaa' Allah. Ameen.