Monday, September 19, 2016

In the middle of nowhere

While travelling thru the desert areas, there comes a point when it seems like “we are in the middle of nowhere”. I guess somehow, somewhere each one of us may have experienced this scenario. Our life stages may make us feel that we are in the middle of nowhere. The feeling of being lost causes some reflections to emerge in minds.

How Hazrat Hajira (RA) must have felt when Prophet Ibrahim (AS) left her in the middle of the desert with an infant. Humanistically, random thoughts must be crossing her mind, no life anywhere, baby boy, have to stay alone, just barren desert and all this was faced with calm and peace by both Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and Hazrat Hajira (RA). Is it easy for a man to leave his family all alone in a barren desert? They had full trust in Allah (SWT) that HE shall provide for them.

Do we have this level of trust amongst ourselves? Do we believe in entirety that Allah (SWT) will take care of us in any circumstances? In many cases, slight problems make us think about endless solutions to solve the problem and still we are in doubt. Negative thoughts keep coming in the mind and we get upset regardless of knowing the fact that nothing is in our hands.

Actually, nothing is in our hands. We live in an illusion that we own and do things but we don’t. Its always Allah SWT who does everything for all. So next time when we think, we are in the middle of nowhere, look above we have Allah SWT with us who is EVERYWHERE and at all times. Raise your hands and ask HIM whatever you want, the feeling of being in the middle of nowhere shall vanish in seconds J